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Selectmen's Minutes June 2, 1998
Selectmen’s Meeting
June 2, 1998

Present:  Peter Jones, Charles Flynn, Cathy Kuchinski, Judy Murdoch, Daniel Webster.  Also present Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary

Boy Scout leader, Steve Amico, detailed the burning ceremony, retiring old, torn flags.  Ceremony held the previous evening at the American Legion Post.

The chairman announced that the board voted in executive session  on May l9, 1998 to sign the highway contract.  Jones highlighted the points of interest within the contract.

At 7.30 PM the Chairman called to order a public hearing to transfer a Liquor license from Phyllis Rhodes,  DBA  JJ’s Pub  to Matilda’s Inc. .  Richard Harrison,  of JJ’s Pub  explained to the board  that both he and Phyllis have been working at JJ’s for approximately 30 years . Dick felt it was time to change manager and rename the Pub. The New Manager  would be Patricia Harrison.   After brief discussion, the board was  assured  they were no outstanding issues concerning the transfer and all  paper work was in order.

Motion by Judy Murdoch to approve the transfer of license from Phyllis Rhodes  dba JJ’s Pub to   Matilda’s Inc., Patricia Harrison, Mgr.   Second by Charles  Flynn. VOTED   5-0.

Board voted  5-0 on a motion  by C.  Kuchinski   to grant a one day liquor license  to Mark Kragewski and Karen Dexter  at Camp Kiwanee on June l3 .   2nd by J Murdoch

Motion by C Kuchinski 2nd by D . Webster to vote the following Annual Appointments:

        Edward Savage, Wiring Inspector - one year
        Mary Puleio, Recreation Commission - three years
        Ernest B. Amado, Drainage Committee - one year
        Paul Cameron, Council for Elder Affairs - three years
        Marilyn Grant, Council for Elder Affairs - three years
        Doris Grindle, Council for Elder Affairs - three years
        Edward Reed, Civil Defense, Water Service Officer - one year
        August P. Silva, Civil Defense, Shelters Officer, Operations Officer - one year
        Sealer of Weights and Measures, Arthur West - one year
        Thomas Mosher, Bylaw Committee, three years
        Faith Mosher, Bylaw Committee, three years
        Chief King, CD Director, Police Services, one year

Voted  5-0

Board noted:  Thomas Farrell does not wish to be reappointed to Disability Committee
        Mary Puleio does not wish to be reappointed to Conservation Commission
MOTION   by  C. Kuchinski  to accept minutes of Feb 24,  Mar. 3, Mar 10,  Mar24th regular and executive session}Apr l7 ,  Apr 22, Apr. 28, May 4,  May 5, l998
second  C. Flynn .   VOTED  5-0

C. Kuchinski noted Board was awaiting draft minutes for Apr. 7 & l4

MOTION  C. Kuchinski to Authorize the chairman to sign  a grant extension  until June, l999 for the HUD grant for the Hanson Housing Authority in connection with the L Z  Thomas Housing .  Second By C. Flynn.  VOTED  5-0

Chairman announced that the bone morrow blood testing would be held Sunday, June 7th  from l0 a.m. to 4 P.M  at the Hanson Senior Center to benefit  four month old  Peter Rioux of Hanson who has a rare blood disease.

Chairman also announced death of Thomas Smiley,  noting his service to the town as a past member of the Conservation Commission,  the l75th Anniversary Committee,. and  the Golf Course Study Committee.  Chairman requested a moment of silence.

The Board  read letters from Bob Craig from the Street Acceptance Committee.  Mr. Craig requested that the town look into engineering so we might except  Hammond Rd.

MOTION by C. Flynn to grant engineering  service for Hammond Rd, 2nd By  D. Webster
VOTED  5-0

In Addition  Craig indicated  that since most of the work has been completed and the appointed streets have been  accepted or will be accepted , the Committee has focused  on work  related to private ways,  sidewalks and drainage.  Therefore the board should consider dissolving the Street Acceptance Committee and in its place creating a committee
that would work on private way issues.   Craig also suggested that the Board of Selectmen request Highway Surveyor, Richard Harris, attend the June 8th meeting.

At 8:00 the Board held a hearing for Daniel B. Murphy dba Murphy’s Auto Body and Used Cars, 123 Liberty Street.  After discussion, the Board voted to grant Mr. Murphy a Class II license for three vehicles pending a letter from the Board of Appeals which will deal with the overall use of the property.  Motion by Murdoch, 2nd by Flynn, 5-0 vote.

The Board met with Thomas Dahlberg, Chairman of the Water Commissioners.  Mr. Dahlberg explained to the Board the rational behind the recent change in water rates.  He outlined the various levels of rates and usage and explained the Water Department’s reasons for resetting the rates.  

The Board discussed action requests.  Judy Murdoch none, Charles Flynn mentioned concerns with the traffic at Duncan Donuts.  Nugent explained that the owner of Dunkin Donuts was in the process of submitting a new site plan which moves the ordering window and will reestablish the traffic flow in an effort to move cars off the street.  However, it is subject to Conservation approval.  Dan Webster requested the Board limit the agenda on June 30 in order to conduct a planning meeting.  Cathy Kuchinski requested which parcels of land are to be held for Conservation on the list of properties to be auctioned and which parcels are being held for other offices and the reasons. She asked if we had heard anything from Hanover concerning the Mutual Aid Agreement.  Executive Secretary noted he would contact Hanover again and find out the status.  She asked the status of the Drug and Alcohol policy.  Nugent responded that he was still trying to finalize this.

Board discussed a request from Damien Cahill for a Common Victualer license and Video License.  Atty. Shawn Cotter presented the Board with background information   Motion by Murdoch, 2nd by Webster to approve the Common Victualer’s license, 5-0 vote.  Motion by Murdoch, 2nd by Webster to approve two amusement devices, a juke box and video golf.  5-0 vote.

Executive Secretary report.  Mr. Nugent requested the Board entertain a building fee of $25.00 when a building permit has expired, altered, or been transferred to another person.  After discussion, the Board agreed that the Building Inspector should attend the meeting of June 16th.  Nugent presented a draft survey document for surveying salaries of various positions of ten or eleven surrounding towns.  He asked the Board for comments and suggestions prior to completing this form.  Nugent explained to the Board that he had received a request for use of Town Counsel by the Golf Study Committee in order to start some title examination work on the proposed property to be used for a golf course.  Motion by Webster to allow limited use of Counsel for the Golf Study Committee to research title, 2nd by Charles Flynn, 5-0 vote.  Kuchinski strongly urged for Counsel to research past Town tax-title records on portions of this property.

Motion to adjourn at 9:15.  Voted 5-0.